An Alchemical Initiatory Journey
Wednesday, 3 November 2010
Atlanta, Georgia.
«Illumination is not reached by visualizing the light but by exploring the darkness».
C. G. Jung
Thomas Karlsson, Ph.D. will lead an Alchemical Initiatory Journey into the Existential and Spiritual Underworld in search of the Inner Spiritual Spark residing in its depths.
We work with a non-dogmatic, comparative magical tradition with elements from different systems such as the Qabalah, Nordic-Gothic Magic and Left-Hand Tantrism.
This evening we will explore the tunnels of the Qliphoth and work with Typhonian Alchemy and Goetic invocations, where we summon initiatory entities like Lilith and Lucifer.
Thomas Karlsson is the founder of Dragon Rouge. He teaches Western Esotericism at Stockholm University Sweden, and is the author of Qabalah, Qliphoth and Goetic Magic, Adulruna and the Gothic Cabala and Uthark: Nightside of the Runes.
The course fee is $45.00 in advance, $60.00 at the door.
Book your place in time.
The event is being facilitated through Templi de Niger Sol in Atlanta.
For more information contact:
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