Συνέντευξη με το Αβατάρ του Νυαρλαθοτέπ: Diabolus Rex  

Μια Αποκλειστική Συνέντευξη με το Αβατάρ του Νυαρλαθοτέπ

Δουλεύοντας εντατικά τα δυο τελευταία χρόνια πάνω στην έρευνα και τη συγγραφή του καινούργιου μου βιβλίου Νεκρονομικόν: Το Μονοπάτι του Μαύρου Θεού, συναντήθηκα και μίλησα με πολλούς ασυνήθιστους ανθρώπους. Ορισμένοι από αυτούς προσεγγίζουν το θέμα της Μυθομαγείας Κθούλου με έναν ιδιαίτερο, φιλοσοφικό (ενίοτε και σκεπτικιστικό) τρόπο.
Κάποιοι άλλοι δε είναι αυτό που ο καθένας μας θα χαρακτήριζε απλά ως cultists. Η περίπτωση του Diabolus Rex, όμως, δεν επιδέχεται κατηγοριοποίηση!
Ήταν στις αρχές του 2011 (και συγκεκριμένα, σε μια καθόλου τυχαία ημερομηνία: 11/01/2011) όταν ο άλλοτε αρχιερέας της Εκκλησίας του Σατανά (του LaVey) στην Αμερική, ένα από τα σημαντικότερα ονόματα στο χώρο της Αριστερής Ατραπού και εξεζητημένος (σκοτεινός) καλλιτέχνης παραιτήθηκε από την οργάνωση όπου ήταν, για να ιδρύσει μια δική του ομάδα, με σκοπό τη λατρεία των Μεγάλων Παλαιών του Λάβκραφτ!
Όπως καταλαβαίνετε, το σοκ στους διεθνείς αποκρυφιστικούς κύκλους ήταν μεγάλο, όπως και η περιέργειά μου να γνωρίσω λίγο καλύτερα αυτόν τον τόσο παράξενο άνθρωπο.
Ο 51χρονος Nyarlathotep Diabolus Rex –ναι, αυτό είναι το αληθινό του όνομα!- δέχτηκε την πρότασή μου για μια αποκλειστική συνέντευξη και στη συνέχεια αρχίσαμε ένα διάλογο εφ όλης της ύλης: το Νεκρονομικόν, το Χάος, τον τρανσχιουμανισμό, τη μαγική τεχνολογία, τους δαίμονες...
Το αποτέλεσμα ήταν μια κουβέντα διαφορετική, όπως περίεργα εκκεντρικός είναι και ο ίδιος.
Γιώργος Ιωαννίδης

In 1920 H. P. Lovecraft dreamed of Nyarlathotep, a great magus and an adept of the secrets of technology. Some say that this figure was very similar to Nicola Tesla. Still, you use the name Nyarlathotep, as your own! Is that your real name or your magical title? And why did you choose it?
The faceless God of the late Egyptians was only faceless in that he had thousands of manifestations. It has been speculated that Lovecraft was making reference to the Serbian Inventor "Nikola Tesla" when he composed the short story "Nyarlathotep," as he astounded audiences with his machines of wonder. These machines were of course the results of Tesla's work in high frequency electromagnetic physics and the science/sorcery that was birthed from this. I have been working with EMS (electromagnetic spectrum Magick) since my teens and have specialized in building Tesla Coils, tornado plasma generators, Jacobs ladders, and Van de Graff generators for use in the ritual chamber. The "tepaphone" and "Thurim" (early versions) were also part of my magickal design template. As fascinating as these scientific wonders are, Tesla was an inventor and physics genius. If he was a "magician" he was within the context of the temporal realm. Nyarlathotep is more than my "Ouranos" or magickal personification of my self, (there are others who have used this name) rather I share my consciousness with this Being as a distinction from my own mind.I have designated this alien intelligence as the “Nyarlathotep Being,” as it demonstrates operational parameters consistent with the Cthulhu mythoes archetype. As a Chaos magician I function as an Avatar of this entity or "Chaomera," and have been consulting it in meditation since my recognition to the Satanic priesthood. Collectors of magickal happenstance may find it interesting in reference to my state of "possession" that in philosophical and magickal conversation with a Tibetan Lama and monk of the "Bon" religious tradition, a tantric sorcerer and friend of many years, affirmed to several younger novice monks that I was the only westerner he had ever met who carried the "second being" in my consciousness. He stated this Being was, quote~"one of the eighteen enlightened entities of the current aeon, and that this Being was the “Lord of the annihilating energy. This monk was unfamiliar with Lovecraft's writing.
As of this year I have legally changed my name to Nyarlathotep Diabolus Rex. I do not expect people to call me “Nayarlathotep,” Rex will do fine.

Could you briefly tell us how did you get into occultism at first place? What exactly drew you to this field?
My parents were early members of the COS having discovered it by way of a group of lectures given by Anton LaVey at the “Black House” in the early 60’s. When the Satanic Bible was published there was one acquired for the home library and I eagerly read it. I was naturally drawn to the dark, forbidden, and secretive side of life, from art, to science to “dangerous literature,” so this book was of great interest to me. In reading it I was set upon the path of black magick, sorcery, and art and this in combination with the writings of HP Lovecraft solidified my sojourn into the underworld and my dedication to the Left Hand Path.

I believe you knew Anton Szandor LaVey. What kind of person was he? Can you share with us some of your memories with the Black Pope?
Anton LaVey was sagely and perceptive, very adept at “cold reading” people, a master of lesser magick, naturally, given his work in the carnival and his adept manipulation of the media. In my visits with him we discussed many of the elements of the Germanic “Schwartzen Ordens” and the use of expressionistic design in ritual. We also discussed Lovecraft, Fortean science, the Knights Templar and Aleister Crowley, to name just a few subjects. The outside occult world has no idea of the secrets the Church of Satan kept for so many years with relevance to “Black Magick” that sadly, are now gone.

Suddenly, after so many years, you resolve from Church of Satan in 11/01/2011. Why? And why now?
Satanism in it’s current incarnation is militantly atheistic and intolerant of any conceptualization of “Satan,” by that name or any of his designates, as a preternatural being or “super consciousness” within the mechanical construct we designate as the Universe. I have been convinced of the reality of the Prince of Darkness as a psych-centered consciousness and “overmind” since my first days in ritual experimentation and that is over 40 years now. It was not obligatory for me to divulge this perspective in relation to the COS hard-line material reductionism, as my Black Magickal Order the “Chaos Imperium” has remained a secret society for over 20 years. The magicians of the Chaos Imperium are all in contact with this Being which we have designated as the Lovecraftian singularity “Yog-Sothoth” and work with the sorceric concepts germane to this Satanic force. When I decided to make the Chaos Imperium public knowledge, it was necessary for me to tender my resignation as continuing to remain a high profile member of an organization dedicated to atheism would only have served to confuse and disturb. What is most important is my absolute dedication and deadly seriousness to black magickal power, transformation, and sorceric solutions to the problems of entropy by way of my interaction with the Prince of Darkness.

Apart of Satanism, I believe you are an adept to the Temple of the Vampire. What exactly is vampirism, according to the teachings of ToV? And how different is it from the modern cinematic version?
I am not currently active with the TOV, my dedication to expanding the psychic influence of the Chaos Imperium into the apocalypse current and my work with occult engineering the Ragnarok Engine demand my singular attention. The Chaos Imperium is far more magickally advanced in its antonimian program than any vampiric/satanic/gnostic order aggregate currently in existence.

During the last few years, you show a great interest for the Necronomicon Current. What brought you to Lovecraft in the first place, and why do you believe that there is an occult aspect in the mythos?
My immersion in the “Necronomicon Current” is not a phenomena of the last few years, but has been my focus from almost childhood as my art- drawings/paintings/sculptures will attest. I came to Lovecraft by way of Arkham House editions which I would read with fiendish interest. “Tales of the Cthulhu Mythoes” published in 1969 was a favorite and the monstrous gods of Lovecraft’s “fiction” formed the basis of some of my initial black magickal workings. Lovecraft’s strange fiction lends itself to translation into occult themes, such as inspiration for ritual with great ease precisely because it is “occult” in the most literal sense. I have stated before that Lovecraft was the last great mythologist and that his Cthulhu mythos is particularly powerful because it has nothing “ethnic” associated with it, it is completely alien in context.

Do you believe that the Great Old Ones are actual entities or some kind of psychological archetypes? Are you a follower of Theistic Cthulhucism or you interpret the gods and goddesses of the Necronomicon from a philosophical point of view?
The Chaos Imperium reference alien intelligences via the term praetor-human entity, and in the context of this interview this phraseology should be recognized as that which is outside of the human condition. In the tradition of the Left Hand Path it is accepted that there are “super conscious” entities in existence out of the general reaches of human manifestation, and therefore not subject to the same laws of space/time which is the generalized operating condition of this psychosphere. Azathoth operates as an ancient primordial force outside of the rational parameters of our Universe. He/It comprises elements of the Ylem hyper-force left over from the first incarnation of the big bang. Yog-Sothoth however, is a singular superconsciousness highly distinct from all other forms of cosmic phenomena, able to break barriers of space/time and act independent of universal law. Several of the HPL mythoes gods are in truth exotic cosmic principles outside of our space time configuration, and only a few of them are actual psych-eccentric beings possessed of consciousness. The existence of one or more of these extra-dimensional intelligences precludes any form of “worship” or groveling to appease.

I read in a previous interview with Venger Satanis your thoughts about the Super-Consciousness as the actual Prince of Darkness. What exactly is your understanding of the God, and how is related with Yog-Sothoth?
The designate “super-consciousness” is what we in the Chaos Imperium equate with the Prince of Darkness, and in more intimate sorceric terminology define as Yog-Sothoth, the gate and key of all black magickal equations. This “overmind” is one of the “Platonic Idealistic Forms” a pure element existing in the mechanical construct, a model for the magician to focus upon as he evolves toward its likeness. It is the archetype of “Selfhood” from which all particular and individual selves emanate. This is not to be confused with the christian idea of “god” as that conceptualization has no opposite with which to compare itself, (and therefore no personal identity) but an alien consciousness separate and distinct from all other forms and universal phenomena. We see the non-natural reality of the soul as proof of a conceptualization in the subjective universe and a micro-form of a much greater, far more developed “ideal.” Lovecraftian terminology allows the magicians of the Ch I to give intellectual conceptualization and experiential homogeny to an otherwise almost incomprehensible (in the objective world) concept that the common man has no context for in his experience. I and other memebers of the CH I directly interact with this being in the ritual chamber to a degree that supersedes language as aural symbolism itself is grounded in material principles. Black Magick is the language of communion and congress with the Prince of Darkness.

Is its helpful for a modern magician to work with the Necronomicon Current, and how dangerous could that be?
Contrary to the opinions of most peddlers of occult expertise, magick, particularly Black Magick and antinomianistic sorcery are not easy, rather it is one of the most difficult of human actions and highly dangerous. The danger lies in working with such forces and elements in such a direct manner thus tremendous mental focus, precise discipline, and complete understanding is demanded or the magician can “spin out” and their lives can become irrevocably altered. Black Magick is not an activity for the incompetent and egotistical as this combination can be highly self destructive as the documented evidence will attest. It is for precisely this reason that historically the title of “occult” meaning hidden, secret, and cloaked in darkness was implemented for books, manuscripts and paraphernalia germane to the black arts. There are more “magicians” now on the planet than at any other time in history, and more failures. The Necronomicon Current is dangerous to work with to be sure, but a mental pygmy unsuited and unworthy attempting to work with any current is a volatile combination and a disaster waiting to happen. If I was in control of the state I would create an Orden der Okkulten Forschung where magickal material would be sacred and reserved for proper research and implementation. All occult related ephemera would be controlled like a dangerous substance, and out of reach of psychic philistines.

Right this moment there are many different versions of the Necronomicon all around the world! Which one of them do you think is better for actual magical workings, and why?
None of them. The power of the true Necronomicon resides in the fact that it has never been written, and never can be. It exists in the “Akashic Field” the psychic ethereal current accessible only to the master magician. This etheric tomb is far darker than anything in occult print. In my opinion the “psuedonomicons” in circulation are rather lackluster, not surprising given that most of them have been composed by white magicians playing at black magick.

Nowadays, you are developing the Chaos Imperium. In a few words, could you share with us what exactly is C.I. and in what ways it is related to the Necronomicon Current and Chaos Magic in general?
The Chaos Imperium functions as a quantum network which does not operate through a terrestrially based Temple or physical Order, because its members are not - in a Black Magickal sense - centred in this terrestrial sphere. Their zones of occult activity are located in spaces "In between" which both include and transcend astral levels of consciousness, the angular ether. The Chaos Imperium must therefore not be thought of as corporate entity in the mundane sense - it is controlled by inner-plane contacts- themselves adepts of extra-dimensional magick centered in Dark Energy- focused today through the GOTOS of the Aeon of Chaos, Diabolus Rex the avatar of the Black God ~Nyarlathotep, channelling currents in the angled realms outside the circles of time and space.
There is no comparison to other Satanic Orders or LHP systems. The Chaos Imperium is an Order of dark beings, the basis of our Work being the direct assimilation and manipulation of angular inertia and black magickal power. As the work of the Order progresses, revelations in adeptship are conferred upon various members by only one source, the Dark God of our order, Yog Sothoth. This elevated master of being is then recognized by other members of the internal cabal and formally sanctioned, in this way self initiation... the ultimate act of Being is the refined action of Becoming. XEPER.

What is Chaos for you? A dynamic power of continuous changes and endless possibilities, a force of total annihilation, or something completely different?
Chaos is both of these things........and neither of them. Most occultist today have little to no understanding of the chaos current except in its most grotesque analog form. The Ylem Primordium, the residue of the massive trans dimensional eruption commonly known as the big bang is the physical boundry of the chaos equation. Chaos again is antinominian as it is the lowest vibratory frequency of the nine angles of the trapezoid, the annihalting frequency. Chaos Magick as perceived by members of the Ch I is differentiated from that of Peter Caroll in that Caroll expresses Chaos as a manifestation of the material Either which is subject to the movements and mechanix of the space/time continuum with randomicity playing a part in the push/pull of the sorcerer’s Will. Belief serves as the magickal weapon to “restructure matter” and create the changes desired on the physical plane. The angular inertia of the Chaos Imperium which is a direct creative/destructive force of chaos geometry is independent of purely materialistic paradigms in that it is “isolate” much like the perception of Stephen Flower’s conception of Galdr. This perception of Chaos in the Ch.I finds itself personified in the symbolism of the Chaos Singularity of our Order where it demonstrates the principle of the psych-centered self manipulating Daimonic Being in both the physical and material planes.

A basic part of you magical working, is technology. Such as the development of the Tepaphon device. Still, many magicians feel uncomfortable with the use of machinery. How do you combine these two aspects?
Magicians who feel uncomfortable with technology such as the Ragnarok Engine or Tepaphone are reacting to their ingrained fear of the origins of this techno-sorcerery. Without exception all occult devises of this type have their pedigrees in pre-WWI through WWII. The Nazi Occult Bureaus adapted, refined and improved this technologie and developed their own. After WWII much of this research was sequestered away by the Soviets and tested during the cold war. The USA on the other hand acquired much if not most of the research in Hanebue and flying disk aeronautics, (but this is another subject close to my interests), point is, the Chaos Imperium is taking Black Magick into the future. The continued evolution of quantum physics, chaos theory in dynamic systems, (the RE even works on chaos systems in gyro~torsion physics), sonic barrier displacement, advanced black radionics, and a vast bestiary of infernal machines are the domain of the Chaos Imperium. We are elevating the power of mind and magickal consciousness out of the primitive doldrums of superstition and into a vast new dark age.

One of your projects made you very famous among the occultists. I'm referring of course to the Ragnarok Engine. What exactly is it? What is the physics behind R.E. and what's its purpose?
The Ragnarok Engine or "RE" for short, is a device for amplifying black magickal actions of non-locality. The implementation of its program is research and development and is ongoing. It is the "Thurim" of the Chaos Imperium, and the Eschaton of the Apocalypse. It is powered by "Vril Energy" which drives the angular inertia of its hyperspherical vorticitation ( how this is utilized is detailed in my book.) Based on initial images of the RE's gyro-dynamic components there has been some speculation as to its mechanization as a "portal devise," but this is incorrect. It is more accurately a "demon generating forge" a crucible for the creation of thought forms in highly sophisticated configurations involving multiple permutations of being. Its metallurgic composition is T-1 a steel used in high strength pressure vessels, tank armor and submarines. The RE can be “tuned” to contact pre-existing demonic forms, alter them with etheric technologies, and carry out sorceric operations. The RE can also be utilized as a magickal weapon, its potential in this arena is still being evaluated. The forthcoming book, "Dominion of Chaos, Art, Science, Black Magick" will go into detail of design, operating parameters and experimental work with this machine.

Is it true that you will activate R.E. on 21/12/2012? Why then? And what do you believe it will happen?
Yes, there are plans to implement the device in 2012, reason being that with the tremendous psychic radiation flooding the ether and akashik fields, spilling out into the objective world by way of fear and apprehension from the human mind, monsters let loose from the Id, this presents an opportunity both timely and unique. The Chaos Imperium is ready to feed this energy to the Ragnarok Engine with the expectant results remaining within the secrets of our Order. I can say that the occult world will never again be the same.

The concept of gates that leads to the realms of the Gods, exists in various ancient religions and in certain modern magical orders. I believe, ToV is also working with the Cube of Experience, CoS with the Shining Trapezoid, ONA with a system of stargates, and of course we have Simon's 9 Gates of the Necronomicon. In what ways R.E. is different?
The methodology of the gates as systems of gnosis are like powerful microscopes. The Ragnarok Engine is like a black magickal “Hadron Collider.” It represents the most advanced form of machine demonics. It creates infernal forms as opposed to bringing them from outside. Non~Locality in asymetric systems and angular inertia are events initiated by way of the RE’s gyro~dynamics. The ensuing results are highly specialized thought forms resulting from pre-determined angled trajectories. Tesla technology is part of the power source used in the RE’s lab room. Mass in motion creates energy, this mass pre-designed on occult principles results in quantum/magickal effects. Science~sorcery. Occult engineering is so vast a subject that it cannot be broken down enough for an interview, but there is a book in the works.

Apart from the use of technology in magic, you are also interested in body modification! Do you consider the metamorphosis of your body as part of your rituals? Is it a declaration of transhumanistic beliefs, or just bizarre art?
I am hardened advocate of transhumanism, seeing it as a methodology beyond politics and a way to overcome humanity. My exterior manifestation in the objective universe mirrors a carefully crafted and controlled internal psychic landscape. I am far from completed.

Have you ever travelled in Greece? What is your opinion about our country, Greek mythology and our magical tradition?
I have never been to Greece but I have desired to travel there for some time. I have friends in your country I have met via cyber space who have generously offered their time and resources to view your beautiful land. As I have magickal work in Germany to attend to, it is my hope to visit Greece as part of my travel plans. I would like to visit before the current paradigm goes completely down the wormhole.

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