Volubilis Ex Chaosium
A Grimoire of the Black Magic of the Old Ones
by S. Ben Qayin
Volubilis Ex Chaosium reveals a new practical approach, a key dedicated to the pursuit and practice of the dark system of magic as prescribed by Lovecraft throughout his works. Never before has the very practical foundation of this dark system been offered through any tome; where the flourishes and dramatic flights of fancy of the storyteller have been stripped away leaving a solid bedrock of practical dark magic for those who are so inclined to dare enter the dark realm of Chaos Magic from within their own ritual chamber.
Make no mistake, Volubilis Ex Chaosium is by no means a study of Lovecrafts dark system of magic, it is an instruction guide from the acquisition of the instruments of ritual to the conducting of actual rituals within this system. Bound in green cloth with black foil stamping and stunning textured end papers. 133 pages. Printed on high quality paper and includes ceremonial diagrams and 5 full page illustrations by the sinister artist Lucas Pandofelli. Hand numbered and limited to 478 copies.
For more info, visit Dark Harvest Books
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