Esoteric Book Conference
September 19 & 20, 2009
Seattle Washington
Για περισσότερες πληροφορίες δείτε εδώ
The Esoteric Book Conference is an annual international event to bring together authors, artists, publishers and bookmakers working in the field of esotericism.
In addition to presentations by notable authors and scholars, the conference opens it doors to publishers and booksellers showcasing new & used books as well as rare and hard-to-find esoteric texts. For two days the conference hosts the largest selection of esoteric books under one roof. Contemporary esoteric publishing, finepress book arts and antiquarian texts are offered to augment the libraries of readers, scholars and collectors alike.
This multi-disciplined conference will feature presentations by contemporary authorities researching and working in esoteric currents both East & West. Western Esotericism, Gnosticism, Theosophy, Mythology, Shamanism, Rosicrucianism, Sacred Sciences, Occulture and World Religions are among the subjects to be represented. An esoteric book fair and art show will also be on site allowing education, vending and networking in a unique field of literary, historical and cultural arts.
Hosted by Ouroboros Press and Night of Pan Books, the conference features several important figures in the field of occult publishing.
Robert Ansell [Fulgur Limited]
Michael Staley [Typhonian Order]
Richard Kaczynski [Independent Scholar]
Darcy Kuntz [Golden Dawn Trust]
Peter Grey & Alkistis Dimech [Scarlet Imprint]
Thomas Karlsson [Dragon Rouge]
Amy Hale [Independent Scholar]
Brandy Williams [Independent Scholar]
Daniel Schulke [Xoanon Publishinhg Limited]
John Coughlin [Waning Moon Publications]
Eyvind Kang & Jessika Kenney [NW musicians]
Joel Radcliffe [Ars Obscura Bookbinding]
J.D. Holmes Antiquarian Books
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on Tuesday, 2 June 2009
at Tuesday, June 02, 2009
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